Vice President’s Message

I am excited to send our first newsletter this year with some wonderful news, even if under extraordinary circumstances. Given the current situation, I particularly hope that everybody is well and in good spirits.

  1. New Administrators and New Office. We are very happy to have started at the beginning of May a collaboration with Events & Management Plus Inc, as discussed at the 2019 Business Meeting.  We do welcome Heather Dow & Colleen Fifield as our new administrators. The new office email address, to reach the entire CANP team, is Going forward, this will be the email for all operational requests (for example; membership, dues, website, Annual Meeting, Accreditation of activities). The Administrators report directly to the CANP Executive and are in regular contact.  They execute actions approved by the CANP Executive.
  2. Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting 2020 in Saskatchewan has been originally planned to feature a symposium on Neuromuscular Pathology and a pre-conference workshop on the molecular pathology of CNS neoplasms. In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic and current developments, we no longer believe that an in-person meeting will be practical this year.  We are currently exploring the scope and limitations of a virtual meeting 2020, while aiming to postpone the meeting in Saskatchewan to 2021. More news to follow.
  3. RCPSC MOC Program Requirements waived. As you may be aware, the RCPSC has waived the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) requirements for 2020 in response the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, one year will be added to MOC Program participants’ cycles. For details, please see the relevant RCPSC webpages.
  4. 2020 CANP annual dues of $200 are now due.  Options for paying your 2020 dues include payment online via the CANP website, sending a cheque to our new office (CANP 4 Cataraqui Street, Suite 310, Kingston, ON), see address below, or the fax form HERE and sending it to the office at 1-866-560-3838.

I look forward to the challenges a virtual meeting in October may present. I am sure there is opportunity here for creative solutions which will hopefully be of lasting benefit, even after we return to enjoying in-person companionship at future meetings. 

With best wishes,

Peter Schutz, MD, PhD
CANP Secretary Treasurer

President’s Message

I echo Dr. Schutz’s best wishes to you during this extraordinary time, and I hope you and your families remain well.
As we move forwards with the assistance of our new administrator, we welcome your thoughts and suggestions on the subject of a virtual meeting.

We will be watching how the AANP Virtual Meeting unfolds next month and hope to follow their example.
Best wishes
Peter V Gould MD, FRCPC
CANP President